Legal Information and Terms of use for the Website
Access to the website of Prime Fund Solutions AG, Liechtenstein (“PFS”), is generally restricted.
Access to the website is subject to legal notices and terms of use.
Please read the following Legal Notice and Terms of Use carefully, which will provide you with the necessary information about accessing and using this website if you wish to continue using it.  
  1. General Terms of Use
This website is subject to the following legal notices and terms of use, which are bindingly agreed between the user and PFS when accessing this website.
Insofar as special conditions for individual uses of this website deviate from the following terms of use, this will be expressly indicated at the appropriate place on the website. In this case, the special terms of use shall apply in each individual case.
  1. Use of the Internet
Use of the Internet is at the user’s own risk. In particular, PFS shall not be liable for any technical failure of the Internet or access to the Internet. 
  1. Information Protected by Copyright
This website contains data and information of all kinds that are protected by trademark and/or copyright law in favour of PFS or, in individual cases, in favour of third parties. It is therefore not permitted to download, reproduce and / or distribute the website in whole or in part or to use the website or the information and documents contained therein for illegal purposes. Reproduction for technical reasons for the purpose of browsing is permitted, provided that this action does not serve any commercial purposes.
  1. Links to other Websites
The links to other sites on the Internet included on this website serve merely as a reference to information that may be helpful to the user. However, PFS expressly emphasises that it has no influence whatsoever on the design and content of the linked pages. No express or implied warranty or liability is assumed for the content of such websites, including their accuracy, completeness, reliability or suitability for specific purposes. No guarantee is given for the authenticity of documents on the Internet. Links to other websites are therefore not to be understood as a recommendation or liability with regard to the information, opinions, ideas, products or services presented on such websites, nor as a guarantee for the content of such websites.  
  1. Prohibition to link to this Website
It is not permitted to link to this website without the prior written consent of PFS.  
  1. Limited Reliability of Information and Content
PFS regularly checks and updates the information and content on this website. Nevertheless, no guarantee or liability is assumed for the topicality, reliability or completeness of the information provided.  
  1. Website does not Constitute an Offer, Invitation or Solicitation to buy Securities (Fund Units)
The content of this website is for information purposes only and does not constitute a business relationship. In particular, the information and documents provided on the securities (fund units) do not constitute legal, investment or tax advice or an investment recommendation. Only the respective prospectuses or constituent documents (including any supplements) are legally authoritative. A decision to purchase securities (fund units) should only be made after submission of the complete documentation and risk information and after obtaining legal, tax and investment advice. The information provided on this website is not tailored or focussed on personal situations. Therefore, the information may be completely unsuitable or inaccurate for personal investment decisions. All information is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer, invitation or solicitation to buy securities (fund units).  
  1. Risk Disclaimer
Every investment in securities (fund units) is associated with risks and their value is subject to operational and market-related fluctuations. The general investment risks may include currency, transfer, country, liquidity, creditworthiness, interest rate, price and credit risks as well as political, legal and tax risks. In addition, the specific investment risks corresponding to the respective security (fund) must be taken into account.
Investors are advised to inform themselves thoroughly about how funds work and to gain experience with them before buying securities (fund units).
Investors must decide for themselves whether an investment in securities (fund units) is suitable for them.
Investors bear the risk that an investment in securities (fund units) is not suitable for them.
Investors could lose all or part of their invested capital (risk of total loss).
  1. Forward-looking Statements
It should be noted that all forward-looking statements are targets, the achievement of which is subject to unforeseeable risks and therefore cannot be guaranteed in any way. The value of securities (fund units) can rise and fall at any time. The future performance of securities (fund units) cannot be derived from the historical performance shown. For this reason, good performance in the past is not a reliable indicator of positive performance in the future. The preservation (or even increase in value) of the invested capital can neither be guaranteed nor assured. 
  1. Limitations of Liability and Validity
To the extent permitted by law, PFS excludes all liability, including negligence and liability towards third parties, for loss or damage of any kind arising directly or indirectly, as a result of or in connection with accessing, using, browsing or downloading data from the information and documents on the website or from other websites linked to the website.
PFS cannot be held liable for inaccurate, incomplete or outdated data or for the falsification of data. In addition, the information on this website about securities (fund units) and financial services has only been checked for compliance with Liechtenstein law. In some foreign jurisdictions, the dissemination of such information may be subject to legal restrictions. Not all securities (fund units) are available in all countries.
The website is therefore not directed at persons or organisations whose domicile (residence, domicile, registered office, establishment, foundation or origin) is subject to a foreign jurisdiction in which the distribution or use of such information and documents would be contrary to applicable law or regulations and would impose additional registration obligations on PFS. The information and documents on this website may also not be forwarded to such jurisdictions.
When using the website, users may be asked about their investor status (professional investor or non-professional investor) and their domicile (domicile, residence, registered office, branch, foundation or origin). It is essential that the selection is correct. The website accessed by users and its content are reserved for investors with the corresponding investor status and domicile. 
  1. Processing of Personal Data
Information on data processing can be found in the Personal Data Protection. 
  1. Exclusivity
This Legal Notice and Terms of Use constitute the sole legal basis for the use of this website and the information and documents contained therein and, where applicable, supersede all previous contracts, agreements and declarations in connection with the use of this website. 
  1. Modifications
The information and documents provided on this website and these Legal Notices and Terms of Use are subject to change at any time and without prior notice. PFS therefore recommends that you regularly consult and re-read this Legal Notice and Terms of Use in order to familiarise yourself with any changes. The information and documents published on this website must therefore not be understood to mean that circumstances have not changed since publication or that the information and documents are still up to date since publication. 
  1. Jurisdiction, Applicable Law and Severability Clause
These Legal Notices and Terms of Use shall be governed by Liechtenstein law, excluding its conflict of law rules. The exclusive place of jurisdiction shall be the Liechtenstein courts at the registered office of PFS.
In the event that the user is a consumer (not an entrepreneur), reference is made to the possibility of out-of-court dispute resolution in accordance with the ODR Regulation. Details can be found in the aforementioned regulation and at 
Should any provision of these Legal Notices and Terms of Use be invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.